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Open Book

Hello there

Welcome to my website. You must be really bored or really curious to land on my About Me page. Well, since you're here, you might as well get to know me a little better. I'll tell you what I do, how I do it and why I do it, in case you interested. Or maybe you don't. Maybe you just clicked on the wrong link. Either way, enjoy your stay i am happy to see you here!

i guess this part is all about me

I am just like you, actually exactly like you. During the day I am at work and doing the usual  9-5 job, day after day. One day i was watching a video of some youtuber how she built a YouTube channel using AI and AI only by feeding in an idea then get the script out, then grab another tool to create the video and so on. i thought to myself "i could do the same, this does not look that complicated". Well... plot twist, it was a LIE. Nothing is easy nor fast if you want to create anything valuable. You can not replace the human factor in writing with AI. It can give you a wire frame, help you with the writer's block, but you as the human can only produce something that enjoyable and creates value. 

I always wanted a blog, a website about history. I was always deeply interested and invested in this niche, especially WW1, WW2 and the decades around them. I thought with my knowledge i might can add something to the community that valuable and entertaining. I spent the next few days to cook up the plan in my head, the name, how do i want the site to look, what could be the name of the posts and how to write them. You know the usual stuff that when you are in the happy part of a plan and imagine how you will conquer YouTube and the internet and become successful, leave your day job and other generic stuff that every person imagine when they hear online work, blogging, passive income and other bs. Well it turns out i am not that talented making videos, but i am sort of OK (hopefully) writing articles and blogging so here i am running this website. 

This website is my hobby and sort of my passion. This website is not to make money or live off from it. this website will not make me leave my day to day job, but it will give me the freedom to express myself and my views about history, how i see it and what i want to shine the light on. 

If you think you want to support me on my journey, you can do it on few different ways that costs you no money.

  • i have some book recommendations here, i love these books and i spent many hours on them, i especially recommend the TANK BOOK, this is my favourite one.

  • you can buy me a coffee using the donate button in the footer (i know i said ways that costs you no money, but when i wrote that part i forgot about this)

  • i guess you could visit my YouTube channel, but please don't expect National Geography level of videos, I put one below if you are interested. 

Anyway, i am glad that you are here and visiting my blog, i hope you find something entertaining and will come back.

The Kingdom of Hungary wanted to upgrade its motorized units with light and medium tanks in the late interwar era. However, it did not have any domestic tank designs to use. This forced the Hungarian leaders to look for vehicle designs from other countries that they could import or produce under license. They found what they were looking for in Czechoslovakia and started to work on the 40M Turan I and its later variants.

I hope you're enjoying this website and finding some useful and entertaining articles. I'm not trying to make any profit from this site, but if you appreciate my work and want to show some support, you can buy me a coffee through PayPal or use my affiliate links to shop on amazon. It would mean a lot to me and help me keep this site running. Thanks for your kindness!

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