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The Kingdom of Hungary wanted to upgrade its motorized units with light and medium tanks in the late interwar era. However, it did not have any domestic tank designs to use. This forced the Hungarian leaders to look for vehicle designs from other countries that they could import or produce under license. They found what they were looking for in Czechoslovakia and started to work on the 40M Turan I and its later variants.

The Austro-Hungarian Empire had full awareness of the relatively small size of their navy (k.u.k. Kriegsmarine) compared to its immediate neighbours and rivals, Italy and France. Submarines were a way for Austria-Hungary to try and level the playing field, kind of like torpedo boats. But as always, their leaders didn't realize the power of underwater warfare on time.

In World war I the German Imperial Army had the Big Bertha, which brought a never seen destruction to the front line with it’s 42cm caliber delivering an over 1 tonne payload to it's target. Seeing this destructive power, the Austro-Hungarian leadership also started to looking in to repurposing naval guns, converting them to field or siege artillery.

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